"No! it wasn't a dream! I'm sure there was something at the window!" I told my mother as she tried to comfort me in her arms. It wasn't very long ago that we had moved into our new house in Colorado, during that time nothing that nerve wrecking had ever happened to me. My room was just like any other room in the house never in my mind did I think that my room was going to become one of the most memorable rooms in my entire house.
It was about 11:30 p.m. when I was getting ready to go bed, like any other night I put on my pajamas, bushed my teeth and tucked in to my bed, which was right next to the only window in my room. Everything was normal until I turned off the lights from my nightstand. I laid there for about a minute with my eyes closed but still conscious of what was happening. Suddenly a slightly noise make me open my eyes I turned slightly toward the window since that’s where the small noise was coming from. I didn’t pay much attention to it since I thought it was our dog that might have been loose. But as I listened carefully it sounded like footsteps walking over dry leafs and grass and they seemed to be getting closer every time. That's when I started to get scared. Just when I was about to get up and calmly tell my parents , I heard a loud "thump!" on the window followed by the most horrifying and slow screeching noise. At that time I turned again slightly toward the window and saw a big figure on the window. At that moment I couldn't take it anymore and I screamed as loud as my lungs let me "HELP!" in less than five seconds my mother and my father came running through the door, at that time the only words that came out of my mouth were "there's someone at the window" immediately my father went outside to see if anyone was in our back yard and also to check behind the fence that surrounded our house. While my mother got me in her arms and tried to get me to explain what had happened. I was shaking and very pale looking; my mother took me to the kitchen to give me a glass of water to try to get me to stop shaking and to see if I got my color back. A few minutes later, just as I was finishing the glass of water mom had given me; my dad stepped in and said he had checked everywhere and that there was nothing there. I asked him if maybe it could have been our dog and he answered, "I too thought it was the dog, but I just checked and Wolf is still tied up in the garage there's no possible way it was him maybe it was some other animal". He tried to explain although as soon as he said that every hair in my body stood up because I knew the figure I saw wasn't an animal. My parents were convinced it was all in my imagination or that maybe it was all just a nightmare I had. They tried to convince me that I was just dreaming but I am more than sure that what happened that night was real. That night I slept with my parents and the next day my dad rearranged the room and put up a light outside the house so no animals would come near.
Many years have passed since that incident but I still remember it like if it were yesterday. Even though nothing like that ever happened again in that house I still know there was something out there just like there was something in me that told me that what ever was out there was not from this world or was it?.
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